Thursday, June 21, 2007

when i die

I am morbid. Today once again while I was bored answering messages, i was reading movie quotes when i found myself on this wikiquote page. It made me think about my mortality.

How do i want to be remembered? I liked this one so said
"Never born, Never died: visited the planet earth between December 11, 1931 and, January 19, 1990"

This guy Ohus must be an alien. LOL. But its really a nice one.

What else did I learn today? that I am annoying. I'm not perfect, but I look for perfection in other people, in what they do, they say and they write. I just hate wrong grammar, especially if its just the tense and subject verb agreements.

I MUST try not to correct everyone. I will get enemies from it.

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